Publications of Ingrid Schwabl

Journal Article (33)

Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Safari, I.; Muck, C.; Schwabl, I.: Sex roles, parental care and offspring growth in two contrasting coucal species. Royal Society Open Science 3 (10), 160463 (2016)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Makomba, M.; Urasa, F.; Schwabl, I.: Social monogamy vs. polyandry: Ecological factors associated with sex roles in two closely related birds within the same habitat. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (7), pp. 1335 - 1353 (2015)
Journal Article
Ashley, N. T.; Ubuka, T.; Schwabl, I.; Goymann, W.; Salli, B. M.; Bentley, G. E.; Buck, C. L.: Revealing a circadian clock in captive arctic-breeding songbirds, Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus), under constant illumination. Journal of Biological Rhythms 29 (6), pp. 456 - 469 (2014)
Journal Article
Ashley, N. T.; Schwabl, I.; Goymann, W.; Buck, C. L.: Keeping time under the midnight sun: Behavioral and plasma melatonin profiles of free-living Lapland longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus) during the arctic summer. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A - Ecological Genetics and Physiology 319 (1), pp. 10 - 22 (2013)
Journal Article
Schoech, S. J.; Bowman, R.; Hahn, T. P.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Bridge, E. S.: The effects of low levels of light at night upon the endocrine physiology of western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A - Ecological Genetics and Physiology 319 (9), pp. 527 - 538 (2013)
Journal Article
Buehler, D. M.; Vezina, F.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Versteegh, M.; Tieleman, B. I.; Piersma, T.: Independence among physiological traits suggests flexibility in the face of ecological demands on phenotypes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (8), pp. 1600 - 1613 (2012)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Helm, B.; Jensen, W.; Schwabl, I.; Moore, I. T.: A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clock. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), pp. 3527 - 3534 (2012)
Journal Article
Poot, H.; Ter Maat, A.; Trost, L.; Schwabl, I.; Jansen, R. F.; Gahr, M.: Behavioural and physiological effects of population density on domesticated Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) held in aviaries. Physiology & Behavior 105 (3), pp. 821 - 828 (2012)
Journal Article
Versteegh, M. A.; Schwabl, I.; Jaquier, S.; Tieleman, B. I.: Do immunological, endocrine and metabolic traits fall on a single Pace-of-Life axis? Covariation and constraints among physiological systems. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (9), pp. 1864 - 1876 (2012)
Journal Article
Edler, R.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Friedl, T. W. P.: Experimentally elevated testosterone levels enhance courtship behaviour and territoriality but depress acquired immune response in Red bishops Euplectes orix. Ibis 153 (1), pp. 46 - 58 (2011)
Journal Article
Fusani, L.; Cardinale, M.; Schwabl, I.; Goymann, W.: Food availability but not melatonin affects nocturnal restlessness in a wild migrating passerine. Hormones and Behavior 59 (1), pp. 187 - 192 (2011)
Journal Article
Landys, M. M.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Trappschuh, M.; Slagsvold, T.: Impact of season and social challenge on testosterone and corticosterone levels in a year-round territorial bird. Hormones and Behavior 58 (2), pp. 317 - 325 (2010)
Journal Article
Quillfeldt, P.; Poisbleau, M.; Schwabl, I.; Chastel, O.; Masello, J. F.: Corticosterone at fledging depends on nestling condition, not on parental desertion. Open Access Animal Physiology 2, pp. 61 - 68 (2010)
Journal Article
Buehler, D. M.; Koolhaas, A.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Schwabl, I.; Dekinga, A.; Piersma, T.; Tieleman, B. I.: No evidence for melatonin-linked immunoenhancement over the annual cycle of an avian species. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 195 (5), pp. 445 - 451 (2009)
Journal Article
Helm, B.; Schwabl, I.; Gwinner, E.: Circannual basis of geographically distinct bird schedules. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (9), pp. 1259 - 1269 (2009)
Journal Article
Silverin, B.; Gwinner, E.; Van't Hof, T. J.; Schwabl, I.; Fusani, L.; Hau, M.; Helm, B.: Persistent diel melatonin rhythmicity during the Arctic summer in free-living willow warblers. Hormones and Behavior 56 (1), pp. 163 - 168 (2009)
Journal Article
Buehler, D. M.; Bhola, N.; Barjaktarov, D.; Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Tieleman, B. I.; Piersma, T.: Constitutive immune function responds more slowly to handling stress than corticosterone in a shorebird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81 (5), pp. 673 - 681 (2008)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Wittenzellner, A.; Schwabl, I.; Makomba, M.: Progesterone modulates aggression in sex-role reversed female African black coucals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1638), pp. 1053 - 1060 (2008)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Schwabl, I.; Trappschuh, M.; Hau, M.: Use of ethanol for preserving steroid and indoleamine hormones in bird plasma. General and Comparative Endocrinology 150 (2), pp. 191 - 195 (2007)
Journal Article
Kumar, V.; Rani, S.; Malik, S.; Trivedi, A. K.; Schwabl, I.; Helm, B.; Gwinner, E.: Daytime light intensity affects seasonal timing via changes in the nocturnal melatonin levels. Die Naturwissenschaften 94 (8), pp. 693 - 696 (2007)
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