Publications of Barbara Helm

Journal Article (50)

Journal Article
Helm, B.; van Doren, B. M.; Hoffmann, D.; Hoffmann, U.: Evolutionary response to climate change in migratory pied flycatchers. Current Biology 29 (21), pp. 3714 - 3719.e4 (2019)
Journal Article
Bulla, M.; Valcu, M.; Dokter, A. M.; Dondua, A. G.; Kosztolányi, A.; Rutten, A. L.; Helm, B.; Sandercock, B. K.; Casler, B.; Ens, B. J. et al.; Spiegel, C. S.; Hassell, C. J.; Küpper, C.; Minton, C.; Burgas, D.; Lank, D. B.; Payer, D. C.; Loktionov, E. Y.; Nol, E.; Kwon, E.; Smith, F.; Gates, H. R.; Vitnerova, H.; Prüter, H.; Johnson, J. A.; Clair, J. J. H. S.; Lamarre, J.-F.; Rausch, J.; Reneerkens, J.; Conklin, J. R.; Burger, J.; Liebezeit, J.; Bêty, J.; Coleman, J. T.; Figuerola, J.; Hooijmeijer, J. C. E. W.; Alves, J. A.; Smith, J. A. M.; Weidinger, K.; Koivula, K.; Gosbell, K.; Exo, K.-M.; Niles, L.; Koloski, L.; McKinnon, L.; Praus, L.; Klaassen, M.; Giroux, M.-A.; Sládeček, M.; Boldenow, M. L.; Goldstein, M. I.; Šálek, M.; Senner, N. R.; Rönkä, N.; Lecomte, N.; Gilg, O.; Vincze, O.; Johnson, O. W.; Smith, P. A.; Woodard, P. F.; Tomkovich, P. S.; Battley, P. F.; Bentzen, R.; Lanctot, R. B.; Porter, R.; Saalfeld, S. T.; Freeman, S.; Brown, S. C.; Yezerinac, S.; Székely, T.; Montalvo, T.; Piersma, T.; Loverti, V.; Pakanen, V.-M.; Tijsen, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds. Nature 540 (7631), pp. 109 - 113 (2016)
Journal Article
Nord, A.; Lehmann, M.; MacLeod, R.; McCafferty, D. J.; Nager, R. G.; Nilsson, J.-Å.; Helm, B.: Evaluation of two methods for minimally invasive peripheral body temperature measurement in birds. Journal of Avian Biology 47 (3), pp. 417 - 427 (2016)
Journal Article
Stevenson, T. J.; Visser, M. E.; Arnold, W.; Barrett, P.; Biello, S.; Dawson, A.; Denlinger, D. L.; Dominoni, D. M.; Ebling, F. J.; Elton, S. et al.; Evans, N.; Ferguson, H. M.; Foster, R. G.; Hau, M.; Haydon, D. T.; Hazlerigg, D. G.; Heideman, P. D.; Hopcraft, J. G. C.; Jonsson, N. N.; Kronfeld-Schor, N.; Kumar, V.; Lincoln, G. A.; MacLeod, R.; Martin, S. A. M.; Martinez-Bakker, M.; Nelson, R. J.; Reed, T.; Robinson, J. E.; Rock, D.; Schwartz, W. J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Tauber, E.; Thackeray, S. J.; Umstatter, C.; Yoshimura, T.; Helm, B.: Disrupted seasonal biology impacts health, food security and ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1817), 20151453 (2015)
Journal Article
Mortega, K. G.; Flinks, H.; Helm, B.: Behavioural response of a migratory songbird to geographic variation of song and morphology. Frontiers in Zoology 11, 85 (2014)
Journal Article
Versteegh, M. A.; Helm, B.; Kleynhans, E. J.; Gwinner, E.; Tieleman, B. I.: Genetic and phenotypically flexible components of seasonal variation in immune function. The Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (9), pp. 1510 - 1518 (2014)
Journal Article
Dominoni, D. M.; Goymann, W.; Helm, B.; Partecke, J.: Urban-like night illumination reduces melatonin release in European blackbirds (Turdus merula): Implications of city life for biological time-keeping of songbirds. Frontiers in Zoology 10, 60 (2013)
Journal Article
Dominoni, D. M.; Helm, B.; Lehmann, M.; Dowse, H. B.; Partecke, J.: Clocks for the city: Circadian differences between forest and city songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1763), 20130593 (2013)
Journal Article
Helm, B.; Ben-Shlomo, R.; Sheriff, M. J.; Hut, R. A.; Foster, R.; Barnes, B. M.; Dominoni, D. M.: Annual rhythms that underlie phenology: Biological time-keeping meets environmental change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20130016 (2013)
Journal Article
Holland, R. A.; Helm, B.: A strong magnetic pulse affects the precision of departure direction of naturally migrating adult but not juvenile birds. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 10 (81), 20121047 (2013)
Journal Article
Steiger, S. S.; Valcu, M.; Spoelstra, K.; Helm, B.; Wikelski, M.; Kempenaers, B.: When the sun never sets: Diverse activity rhythms under continuous daylight in free-living arctic-breeding birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1764), 20131016 (2013)
Journal Article
Goymann, W.; Helm, B.; Jensen, W.; Schwabl, I.; Moore, I. T.: A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clock. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1742), pp. 3527 - 3534 (2012)
Journal Article
Lehmann, M.; Spoelstra, K.; Visser, M. E.; Helm, B.: Effects of temperature on circadian clock and chronotype: An experimental study on a passerine bird. Chronobiology International 29 (8), pp. 1062 - 1071 (2012)
Journal Article
Ramenofsky, M.; Cornelius, J. M.; Helm, B.: Physiological and behavioral responses of migrants to environmental cues. Journal of Ornithology 153 (Suppl. 1), pp. 181 - 191 (2012)
Journal Article
Versteegh, M. A.; Helm, B.; Gwinner, E.; Tieleman, B. I.: Annual cycles of metabolic rate are genetically determined but can be shifted by phenotypic flexibility. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (19), pp. 3459 - 3466 (2012)
Journal Article
Baldwin, M. W.; Winkler, H.; Organ, C. L.; Helm, B.: Wing pointedness associated with migratory distance in common-garden and comparative studies of stonechats (Saxicola torquata). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (5), pp. 1050 - 1063 (2010)
Journal Article
Helm, B.; Visser, M. E.: Heritable circadian period length in a wild bird population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1698), pp. 3335 - 3342 (2010)
Journal Article
Tieleman, B. I.; Croese, E.; Helm, B.; Versteegh, M. A.: Repeatability and individual correlates of microbicidal capacity of bird blood. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 156 (4), pp. 537 - 540 (2010)
Journal Article
Visser, M. E.; Caro, S. P.; van Oers, K.; Schaper, S. V.; Helm, B.: Phenology, seasonal timing and circannual rhythms: Towards a unified framework. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1555), pp. 3113 - 3127 (2010)
Journal Article
Buchmann, M.; Helm, B.; Rothery, P.; Flinks, H.: Auswirkung von Spätbruten auf Mauser und Rückkehrrate bei einem Weitstreckenzieher, dem Steinschmätzer (Oenanthe oenanthe). Vogelwarte - Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde 47 (2), pp. 125 - 133 (2009)
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