Publications of Ruediger Klein

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Hübener, M.; Klein, R.: Elektrisch aktiv: Funktion und Entwicklung des Gehirns. In: Zukunft Gehirn: Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Herausforderungen. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, pp. 12 - 36 (Eds. Bonhoeffer, T.; Gruss, P.). C.H Beck, München (2011)
Book Chapter
Klein, R.: Eph receptors. In: Handbook of Cell Signaling, Vol. 1, pp. 421 - 426 (Eds. Bradshaw, R. A.; Dennis, E. A.). Academic Press, Amsterdam, Heidelberg (2004)
Book Chapter
Plück-Becklas, A.-R.; Klein, R.: Tiermodelle. In: Molekulare Medizin: Grundlagen - Pathomechanismen - Klinik, pp. 238 - 250 (Eds. Kulozik, A. E.; Hagemeier, C.; Bartram, C. R.). Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2000)
Book Chapter
Klein, R.; Bandtlow, C.: Neurotrophe Faktoren. In: Klinische Neurobiologie, pp. 39 - 59 (Eds. Herdegen, T.; Tölle, T. R.; Bähr, M.). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg (1997)
Book Chapter
Pasquale, E. B.; Matthews, W.; Klein, R.: LERK2 and LERK5/HTK-L. In: Human Cytokines: Handbook for Basic and Clinical Research, Vol. III (Eds. Aggarwal, B. B.; Gutterman, J. U.). Blackwell Science (1996)
Book Chapter
Martin-Zanca, D.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.; Parada, L. F.: Expression of the trk protein tyrosine kinase receptor gene family is limited exclusively to the murine embryonic and mature nervous system. In: The avian model in developmental biology: From organism to genes (Ed. LeDouarin, N. M.). Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (1990)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Lamballe, F.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.: The trk family of oncogenes and neurotrophin receptors. In: Multistage Carcinogenesis: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Tokyo, pp. 153 - 170 (Eds. Harris, C. C.; Hirohashi, S.; Ito, N.; Pitot, H. C.; Sugimura, T. et al.). Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Tokyo, Tokyo, November 19, 1991 - November 21, 1991. Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo (1992)

Other (1)

Köhler, J.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.; Kossel, A.H.: EphB2 receptors tagged with enhanced fluorescent protein to study their dynamics in living neurons, (2003)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Klein, R.; Pasterkamp, R. J.: Recent advances in inter-cellular interactions during neural circuit assembly. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 69, pp. 25 - 32 (2021)
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